my monkey

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

My presentation

                                                The Pink and White Terraces.
 They were so wonderful, they attracted so many tourists from around the world but sadly in 1886 a terrible explosion happened and the pink and white terraces got destroyed.

The pink and white terraces were here right here in rotorua New Zealand. They sat upon the shores of a lake, a lake called lake Rotomahana.


Friday, 22 June 2012

How To Upload A Powerpoint.

Well Jessie and I found the first way to upload a power point with all the animations and transitions

1. Save your Power point as a window media video

2. Create a new post

3. Click insert a video

4. Then click choose to upload video

5. Find the power point you want

6. Next just click upload

7.Wait for a couple hours or so

8. When it has finished uploading

9. hit preview it should be there

10.Click PUBLISH

What I have Learnt :)

I had learnt that tectonic plates make an earthquake.
I also learnt that there are hundreds even thousands of people that would save us in an emergency  and that there are thousands of earthquakes, every day.
                                   From other people I learnt that:  
  •   Drought is when the earth goes dry and there is no water. 
  • That a lake can dried up in a matter of weeks and all that is left is a dried up ground.
  • The longest Drought lasted for 400 year.
  • Snow storms can kill hundreds of people if they are in the wrong place at the wrong time.
  • They can block the roads for a very long time depending on the snow.

                                            THE PLAGUE:
  •  That the nursery rhyme “ ring a ring a rosy  a pocket full of posies a tissue a tissue we all fall down” was about the plague/ how the disease worked
  • It was a terrible disease to get and it had killed a lot of people. 
  •  The disease came from flees that came from rats.   

Monday, 18 June 2012

Earthquakes! Oooooo :D

                                             I hope you all enjoy it :) hehe.