This is what I learnt:
Gallery 1: Pukaki is a ancient carving.It was created in 1836.
Gallery 2: How the Arawa people found their way to Aotearoa.The clouds, the stars and the Birds helped the Arawa people.
Gallery 3: The Maori word for fish-hook is matau. A hinaki is a eel trap, it is used for catching food. The Maori word for flute is Murirangaranga. The flute belonged to Tutanekai. Tutanekai lived on Mokoia Island. Tutanekai's flute was made from a dead man's right arm.
Gallery 4: Pataka is the store house. Food gets stored in the Pataka.
Gallery 5: What the Europeans brang to new zealand.They brang a Rifle muscus and a Coehorn Mcrtar.
Gallery 6: The Maori name of the pink and white terraces are for the white: Te Tarata and the pink: Otukapuarangi.
Gallery 7: The soldiers of B company 28 Maori Battalion fought in world war 2. They used to use dried pipi's as eatable chewing gum.
Miss New Zealand was Linda Ritchie ( Maiden name) Linda Edward ( married name)
Underneath a teapot it said Bath Buildings Rotorua NZ.
Epi Shalfoon came from Opotiki.
Gallery 8: Te Rangitakaroro is a large/tall carving. it was used for a gateway. In 2001 1 - 9 Maori were living overseas.
I enjoyed my day at the museum.