WALT - Find the meaning of words.
1. Find the meaning of the following words: console / briefly / bombarded /
edition / pendant
Console- A panel or unit accommodating controls for electronic or mechanical equipment.
Briefly -for a short time.
Bombarded-Assail (someone) persistently, as with questions, criticisms, or information.
Edition-A particular version of a text that has been created or revised from a substantially new setting of type: "a first edition"
Pendant-A piece of jewelry that hangs from a chain worn around the neck.
2. Find where each word is used during the chapter and give the page number
and paragraph number.
console- paragraph 1 page 116
briefly- paragraph 3 page 116
bombarded- paragraph 10 page 116
Edition- paragraph 1 page 117
pendant-paragraph 2 page 117
3. Wow me with an amazing sentence for each word.
Console - My sister bought a game console.
Bombarded - I bombarded Shania with horse information.
Briefly - I briefly explained how to do maths.
Edition - I read the new horse magazine edition.
Pendant - My Mum bought me a new pendant.
shania,Jessie and Hannah. :D