my monkey

Monday, 19 November 2012

reading record...

Title:  Anne Frank

 Pages Read: 58 - 63

Summary:  Anne's friend Bep stayed the night at there place but she didn't get a good sleep because she drunk some wine. It was Peter's birthday and he got birthday presents which he is lucky.

Thoughts:  I can't wait to see what happens next in the story. :)

Thursday, 15 November 2012

reading record....

Title:  Anne Frank

 Pages Read: 58 -60

Summary: Anne's worried about her dad because he's sick. The Van Daans furniture got removed from their flat and Anne and her family haven't told her yet because she's been so nervous lately.  

Thoughts:  I wonder what Mrs Van Daans reaction is going to be like if they tell her. :)

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

reading record...

Title:  Anne Frank

 Pages Read: 52 - 58

Summary: Anne's dad is grumbling and saying that he will take her diary away and she's saying that she will hide it away. Anne's imaging that she's gone to Switzerland with her dad and she's send heaps of money on new clothes.

Thoughts:  Anne brought a lot of clothes in her imagination :) 

readin record.....

Title: the diary of a young girl

pages read : 51 - 52

summary : Anne's still reading her adult book and she's saying that its way different to real teenage girls.

Thoughts: I'm happy that Anne is allowed to read adult books :)

Thursday, 8 November 2012

Reading Record..

Title:  Anne Frank

 Pages Read: 46 - 51 

Summary:  Anne has a spot to where she has a bath and she really likes the spot that she is in. Anne loves her dad very much more than her mum and she said that she wouldn't care if her mum died because she doesn't get along with her mum very well. Anne is able to read more adult books now. :)

Thoughts:  I feel sorry for Anne's mum because Anne doesn't like her mum :)

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Reading Record..

Title:  Anne Frank

 Pages Read: 41 - 47

Summary:Anne and her family  are having these little arguments with Mrs Van Daan. Mrs Van Daan is saying that Anne should be more modest and one time at dinner Anne had finished eating her dinner and Mrs Van Daan was forcing her to have more vegetables when she didn't want any more.  

Friday, 2 November 2012

Reading Record..

Title: The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas.

 Pages Read: 44 - 47

Summary: Bruno knocked on his fathers office door which is usually out of bounds at all times and no exceptions. Bruno's dad yelled out "enter" and he went in, when Bruno saw his fathers office he thought that it would be a great place to explore.

Friday, 19 October 2012

Personification Poem

Bombs sounding like pop rock candy as it touches the ground.   
A few seconds to spare.  
Tick, tick tick, exploding all its madness out.   

Cinquain Poem

                                                     Tanks, Guns 
                                                 Dying, Shooting, killing 
                                            pointless, Cruel and Barbaric 

Diamante Poem

                                                     Dead Bodies
                                                Gun, Bullets, Holes
                            Uncontrollable, Frightening, Murderous, Barbaric
                                                Hiding In Trenches
                                                   Silent Poppies

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

World War II (Homework)

I had alot of family that fought in World War II, there was so many that I couldn't name all of them. All of them are named on the Honour board as you walk into Whakarewarewa Village. The Wikiriwhi brothers Hirone, Matarehua and Te Tuahu are my great grandfathers. Sergeant Hirone Ceylon Wikiriwhi aka Poppy was born in Whakarewarewa, Rotorua in 1911. During World War II Poppy served overseas as an intelligence Sergeant in the Maori Battalion. Poppy's two brothers Matarehua and Te Tuahu also served in the Maori Battalion. Poppy passed away in 1980 or 1982. He is now burried in the Sala Street Cemetry, Rotorua in the Soldier part. :) 

Reading Record..

Title: The Boy In Striped Pyjamas.

Author:  John Boyne

Pages read: 4 - 6 and 1/2

Summary of what happened: Bruno found out that they were leaving to go live with his dad and he realized that he didn't know what his dad did for a job. 

Thoughts or feelings: I feel sad for Bruno because he doesn't want to leave Berlin and his old house.  

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Reading Record. :)

Title: The Boy In Striped Pyjamas

Author: John Boyne

Pages read: 1 - 3

Summary of what happened: Bruno ( a little boy) came into his room to find their maid (Maria) packing all of his things into bags. When he turned around he saw his mum standing at the stairs.

Thoughts or feelings: The book so far isn't exciting yet. I feel sorry for Bruno because he doesn't know what's going on. 

Tuesday, 11 September 2012



                          Tiro, tiro, ki taku tau
                          Kei hea ra, kei hea
                             Kei runga, ke 
                              Kei raro ke
                   Kei roto I taku moemoea.

                        Translate To English:
                       Look, look at my lover
                    Where is she, where is she
                             I look above
                             I look below
                         Inside my dreams.

Thursday, 30 August 2012

My Favourite Speech.

My favourite speech was by Jessie. Jessie's topic was on Rhythmic Gymnastics Shouldn't Be In The Olympics and I got what she was talking about. It was very interesting and it was funny.
You had an awesome speech Jess, it was very cool. -_- .  :) .

Friday, 27 July 2012

Fridays Proverb.

Te anga karaka, te anga koura, kei kitea te Marae

The shells of the karaka berry, and the shells of the crayfish, should not be seen from the Marae

Although this clearly has a hygienic undertone, it also refers to discipline. A tribe or war party who disregards organization and has no concern for where they leave their rubbish and gear reflects poor leadership and discipline, thus becoming easy prey for a more regimented force.

To me this means to keep the world clean and healthy.

Thursday, 26 July 2012

Wednesdays Proverb.

Whāia te iti kahurangi
Ki te tūohu koe, me he maunga teitei

Pursue excellence – should you stumble, let it be to a lofty mountain.

This means to me that go hard and you will achieve your goals.

Thursdays Proverb.

E koekoe te tūī, e ketekete te kākā, e kūkū te kererū.
The tūī chatters, the parrot gabbles, the wood pigeon coos.
Its popular meaning ‘It takes all kinds of people...’
The tui is used as a symbol of oratory (speaking).

This means to me that when you have more than one person you can do anything.

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Tuesday's Proverb.

Maori :
He aha te mea nui o te ao?
He tangata! He tangata! He tangata!

Translate :
What is the most important thing in the world? It is people! It is people! It is people!

To me this means that people are the most important thing in the world.

Monday, 23 July 2012

Mondays Peoverb

Maori :
Nā tō rourou, nā taku rourou
ka ora ai te iwi.

Translate :
With your food basket and my food basket
the people will thrive.

to me this means that with your knowledge and my knowledge put all together we will all succeed.

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

My presentation

                                                The Pink and White Terraces.
 They were so wonderful, they attracted so many tourists from around the world but sadly in 1886 a terrible explosion happened and the pink and white terraces got destroyed.

The pink and white terraces were here right here in rotorua New Zealand. They sat upon the shores of a lake, a lake called lake Rotomahana.


Friday, 22 June 2012

How To Upload A Powerpoint.

Well Jessie and I found the first way to upload a power point with all the animations and transitions

1. Save your Power point as a window media video

2. Create a new post

3. Click insert a video

4. Then click choose to upload video

5. Find the power point you want

6. Next just click upload

7.Wait for a couple hours or so

8. When it has finished uploading

9. hit preview it should be there

10.Click PUBLISH

What I have Learnt :)

I had learnt that tectonic plates make an earthquake.
I also learnt that there are hundreds even thousands of people that would save us in an emergency  and that there are thousands of earthquakes, every day.
                                   From other people I learnt that:  
  •   Drought is when the earth goes dry and there is no water. 
  • That a lake can dried up in a matter of weeks and all that is left is a dried up ground.
  • The longest Drought lasted for 400 year.
  • Snow storms can kill hundreds of people if they are in the wrong place at the wrong time.
  • They can block the roads for a very long time depending on the snow.

                                            THE PLAGUE:
  •  That the nursery rhyme “ ring a ring a rosy  a pocket full of posies a tissue a tissue we all fall down” was about the plague/ how the disease worked
  • It was a terrible disease to get and it had killed a lot of people. 
  •  The disease came from flees that came from rats.   

Monday, 18 June 2012

Earthquakes! Oooooo :D

                                             I hope you all enjoy it :) hehe.

Thursday, 31 May 2012

Our Amazing Trip To The Rotorua Museum :D

On Tuesday we went to the Rotorua Museum. There were alot of galleries, there were 8 galleries.  

This is what I learnt: 

Gallery 1: Pukaki is a ancient carving.It was created in 1836.

Gallery 2: How the Arawa people found their way to Aotearoa.The clouds, the stars and the Birds helped the Arawa people. 

Gallery 3: The Maori word for fish-hook is matau. A hinaki is a eel trap, it is used for catching food. The Maori word for flute is Murirangaranga. The flute belonged to Tutanekai. Tutanekai lived on Mokoia Island. Tutanekai's flute was made from a dead man's right arm. 

Gallery 4: Pataka is the store house. Food gets stored in the Pataka. 

Gallery 5: What the Europeans brang to new zealand.They brang a Rifle muscus and a Coehorn Mcrtar. 

Gallery 6: The Maori name of the pink and white terraces are for the white: Te Tarata and the pink: Otukapuarangi.

Gallery 7: The soldiers of B company 28 Maori Battalion fought in world war 2. They used to use dried pipi's as eatable chewing gum. 
Miss New Zealand was Linda Ritchie ( Maiden name) Linda Edward ( married name)  
Underneath a teapot it said Bath Buildings Rotorua NZ.    
Epi Shalfoon came from Opotiki.

Gallery 8: Te Rangitakaroro is a large/tall carving. it was used for a gateway. In 2001 1 - 9 Maori were living overseas.

I enjoyed my day at the museum.

Monday, 28 May 2012

My Weekend

This weekend didn't start with a Saturday game because I had hurt my wrist at school. My friend Amy told me that we lost 19-15 to Rotorua Int. My weekend was abit boaring because I didn't get to play netball and we just stayed home.

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Cry Of The Taniwha- Chapter 22


1. Describe what happened in this chapter.
Skulla steals the Rothery stone off Matt just as he finds it. The mudpool explodes and Skulla, Diz, Croak, and Jackson dies The Rothery stone is lost in the mud. Old Tani tried to warn them but he would not run until just before it blew up. 

2. Reflect on your literacy work this week. PMI - the good, the bad and the interesting... 

It's fun trying to predict what happens next. 

Its boring just listening to the story (a bit :D) 

It's interesting reading everyone's comments and what they have written.

my weekend :D

My Weekend started off with a Saturday game of netball. We versed the  Mokoia social team. Our team (Mokoia Ferns) won. The score was 24 - 4 but the team were year 7s. :D. After that we went to go watch my aunties boss's daughter play. Then I went to my mums. I had a fun weekend :D

Friday, 18 May 2012

Cry Of The Taniwha- Chapter 21


W.A.L.T : edit and proof read our writing.

what do you think has happened? 

I think that The Gawk will go and get help and that Jackson, Ana, Eve and Matt will get there way out of this mess.

running this week. :D

This week we were running a 1.5 track.

We started running on Wednesday. My time was 9:23.

On Thursday my time was 9:11.

On Friday (today) my time was 9:25.

Thursday, 17 May 2012

Cry Of The Taniwha- Chapter 20


W.A.L.T : edit and proof read our writing.

What did Matt and Eve find?
 Matt and Eve found about 40 diamonds in the ponga candle stand.

 Do you think that they should go with Ana? Why? Why not?
 I dont think they should go with Ana because she is with the gang and that she might be just leading them into one of Skallas traps. 

Cry Of The Taniwha - Chapter 18


W.A.L.T: edit and proof read our writing. 

What does eve do in this chapter ? 
Eve went to Ian McMillan's presentation and told Matt about everything. Then he hung out with Matt and Jackson.  Then they went to the forest and found Zirk spying on them.  Eve faked finding the Rothery Stone. 
 The most valuable diamond when it was just a piece of glass to trick the Zirk.

What is going to happen next? 

Our prediction is that Zirk works for Skulla and the WXK gang. 
 He is spying on Matt, Jackson and Eve to try and find out what they do and where the gold and diamonds are.  Then the Geologists will block off the area just before they find something big. 
Shania,Hannah and Jessie. 

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Cry Of The Taniwha- Chapter 19

W.A.L.T : edit and proof read our writing.

Why did they go to the museum?

They went to the museum so Matt could hand over the sovereigns.  Eve also wanted to hand over some papers.

What do you think might be special about the ponga?

 I think that the ponga would be quite special because it might lead them to a big clue that will give them an answer to this mystery.

Shania,Hannah and Jessie.

Friday, 11 May 2012

Cry Of The Taniwha- Chapter 17

 What is Gawks real name?

Gawks real name is cecil hilton.

Where does he live?  

He lives in a small and filthy garage behind a house.  

Why did he give the items back?

he got scared because jackson was going to tell  the wxk gang that gawk stole the gold coins.

Would you be worried if you were Matt? Why? Why not? 

 I would be worried if I were matt  because of the Dubexkay gang.  He has the gold coins but he hasn't given the gang any gold coins.   

shania :D

Fitness Today

I just ran 5 minutes and 23 seconds in 1k. :D

Thursday, 10 May 2012

Cry Of The Taniwha- Chapter 16

WALT - Find the meaning of words.

 1. Find the meaning of the following words: console / briefly / bombarded / edition / pendant 

Console- A panel or unit accommodating controls for electronic or mechanical equipment. 

Briefly -for a short time. 

Bombarded-Assail (someone) persistently, as with questions, criticisms, or information. 

 Edition-A particular version of a text that has been created or revised from a substantially new setting of type: "a first edition" 
Pendant-A piece of jewelry that hangs from a chain worn around the neck.

2. Find where each word is used during the chapter and give the page number and paragraph number.

console- paragraph 1 page 116 

briefly- paragraph 3 page 116 

bombarded- paragraph 10 page 116 

Edition- paragraph 1 page 117 

pendant-paragraph 2 page 117 
3. Wow me with an amazing sentence for each word. 

Console - My sister bought a game console.

Bombarded - I bombarded Shania with horse information.

Briefly - I briefly explained how to do maths.

Edition - I read the new horse magazine edition.

Pendant - My Mum bought me a new pendant. 
shania,Jessie and Hannah. :D

Fitness Today

I just ran 5 minutes and 45 seconds in 1k. :D

Cry Of The Taniwha- chapter 15


WALT: Justify answers using information from text.

Why did Hone get angry?

Hone got angry because Matt did not tell him about the gang earlier and about the metal detector.

Predict what is going to happen.

I think that the gang will find Juzza and Matt and have a bit of a scrap with them.  Then Juzza will be beaten up by Diz for not doing the robbery.  Then Skulla will beat up Matt because he didn't give him any treasure.  The Gawk turns out to be Eve's older half-brother.  Eve turns out to be leading Matt on with false facts and is Skullas little sister. 
Shania, Jessie and Hannah 

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Cry Of The Taniwha Chapter 14

WALT: Justify answers using information from text.

Why had Matt not slept well?

 Matt didn't sleep very well because he was worrying about the future and Jackson with the burglary.

(Page 99 paragraph 1)

Why did Nan tell Matt that he was famous?

 Nan told Matt he was famous because he was in the newspaper waving his metal detector around.

(Page 99 Paragraph 2)

What happened to Matt in the Redwoods?

Matt was using the metal detector to find gold and diamonds for the WXK gang.  He had to go to the toilet but then Gawk stole his metal detector and the gold.

(Page 102 Paragraph 4)

What did Eve find out?

Eve looked in the Auckland Bulletin.  Auckland Bulletin is an old newspaper that had alot of gossip about Mary Basham.  She suspected that the dead body was Jack Boult because when Edward and Mary Basham got home Jack Boult wasn't with them.

(Page 105 Paragraph 1-3)  
 Hannah, Jessie and Shania

Fitness today

I just ran 3 laps around our humongous Field in 10 minutes. :D

Monday, 7 May 2012

Cry of the taniwha chapter 13


W.A.L.T : justify answers using information from text.

How is Matt feeling about Juzza now? 
Matt is feeling annoyed at Juzza because he is so needy to be in the WXK gang that he shall rob. Juzza doesn't realise that Skulla is using him. 

 Who is Gawk? 
 Gawk is the name that Matt gave him beacuse he was purving at a couple. He has orange hair with a parting style from the 1960's. He has a tropical t-shirt and tight mini shorts. 

 What was Gawk doing?
Gawk was purving at a couple behind a tree in the park. They were making out.

 Hannah, Jessie and Shania.

my fabulous weekend :D

My weekend started off with a Saturday game of netball. We were versing rotorua intermediate.We lost 10 - 11, but it was a close game. After my game of netball me, my brother (jayjay),my uncle del,my aunty sharon and their baby went to get a family photo.After that me and my brother went over to my mums house.When we got to my mums house we went to the park because they just live across the road from the park.On sunday we made home made popcorn. It was so facinateing. I had such a awesome weekend :D

Friday, 4 May 2012

who are the following people?

WALT: Write informative, interesting sentences.

Literacy: Cry Of The Taniwha- Chapter 11-12

-Louise Miller- She is the mother of Mary Miller her picture was in the locket that Edward gave Mary.

-Edward Basham- Banker of Threadneedle street.  He is married to Mary.  He is suspected for burglary.

-Mary Basham- Edward Basham's wife.  Her maiden name was Mary Miller.  Mary likes jewellery.  Interested in Astronomey.  She also love natural history.

- Scott Murray- AKA Skulla.  He is the leader of the WXK (Dubexay)  He played football.

-Ian McMillan- The scientist who studied the rocks that Matt gave him.

-Eve- The researcher for Matt Logan at the hotel.  Matt met her when he was searching for Louise Miller on the computer.  She then offered to be Matts personal assistant for researching. 
shania,hannah and jessie. 

Thursday, 3 May 2012

when i looked out the window ...

when i looked out the window this morning i saw beautiful blue Sky's. Only small clouds filled the winter air.i absoulty love the sunny days they  make me feel happy all day :D

i love winter when its sunny :D